2877 sep, 20.8R42 duals, new 16.9-26 rears, feederhouse chain 1 yr, rotor rebuilt 2 yrs ago, Cummins eng, sieve 3 yrs, Maurer Hopper Ext, long auger, chopper, spreader. NBĢ001 JD 9650 STS 2WD Combine, 18.4-38 duals – good, contour master, 3222 sep / 4826 eng, single point, Redekop chopper, new chaffer & frame 2022, new batteries, hopper ext, Precision Planting Yield Sense harness, mass flow sensor, moisture sensor, no display, used as a 2nd machine for soybeans last 5 years, through Martin JD shop annually last 10 yrs.Ģ000 Case IH 2388 Combine, 4284 eng. JD 5820 Self-Propelled Forage Harvester, 4×4, good tires, well-maintained, Rear-View Safety camera w/ TFT color monitor, 5455 hrs, SN: E05820X695150. JD Starter Weights – Slab Type, off of 3020. John Deere Front Weight Bracket and 10 – 70# Suitcase Weights for compact tractor. 6.00-16 rubber frts, steel rears w/ extra spades. Little run time on rebuild, running prior to auction. AXġ929 John Deere GP Tractor, rebuilt engine w/ new rings, valves, valve springs, carburetor, magneto, new radiator core. AXġ937 John Deere B Tractor, short frame w/ overdrive, runs & starts good, good rubber, 11.2-38 rears, 5.00-15 frts, round spoke frts, flat spoke rears, loop hitch. start, 12 volt, good 12.4-38 rears, rear wheel weights, 5.50-16 frts, 3pt. ADġ950 John Deere Styled B Tractor, runs good, elect. start, older paint job, wheel weights, 6.5×16 frnts, 12.4×34 rears, lights, original owner’s manual, been in same family for 60 yrs. NBġ952 JD B Tractor, roll-o-matic NF, runs good, elec. loader & bale spear, runs & drives, needs tune up. 15.5X38 Firestone rears, 11LX15 fronts, 12V, sells w/ Koyker hyd. NBġ969 JD 3020 Tractor, gas, wide front, console control, synchro range trans. NBįord 8000 Tractor, runs and drives, needs work. NBīelarus 532 Tractor, mfd 4-cylinder diesel, showing 3276 hrs. Massey Ferguson 251 SE Tractor w/ 1050 Loader, 596 hrs. AXġ961 JD 4010 Tractor, diesel, wide front, ROPS, synchro trans, single hyd, new batteries, 15.5X38 rears, 11L-15 3 rib fronts, PTO seal leaks, straight tin work, sells w/ 15.5X38 9 bolt duals & hubs.

diesel, hydrostatic foot control, open station, 540 PTO, mid PTO, 3pt, turf tires, 13.6-16 rears, 25X8.50-14 frnts, new battery Spring 2023. NBġ998 Ford New Holland 1530 MFWD Tractor, *927 hours, 3 cyl. SN: LV5603R167589 – Clean & Nice! AXĢ002 JD 5420 MFWD Tractor w/ Self-Leveling Loader, 3344 hrs, dual hyd, LH reverse, 30-38 rears, 11.2/10-24 frts, ROPS, global quick tach, 7′ bucket, joystick loader control, SN: 147668. rear wheel weights, LH & RH doors, joystick, long hoses from bucket to rear for grapple, etc. 1 mile North on Millersburg Blacktop)Ģ007 JD 5603 MFWD Tractor w/ Cab w/ 542 SL Loader, *702 hours, 74” quick attach. 6 miles North of New Boston curve on Muscatine Blacktop)ĪD – Kelly Farms – 1006 140th St. 3rd from 9 am to 2 pm both days.Īlexis, IL Contact – Jeff Gregory 30 or Tom Hall 30 INSPECTION DAYS: Saturday, July 29th & Thursday, Aug. There are many more items in the catalog that are not listed below on this website. This is a heavy item (72 lbs.) so freight is not cheap, but we do not make anything off of freight, whatever ups charges us we charge you.The above bid linkwill take you to the Proxibid catalog which contains the complete sale listing with names and phone numbers of the consignors and numerous photos of each item.

*overall height of the box from the top of the mower deck to the top of the box is 11"

*takes a 1" threaded castle nut and a carter key on the bottom of the output shaft to secure blade pan(which is included) This makes the output shafts complete length 4-3/4" long. The ouput shaft is 2-3/4" from the bottom of the box to the end of the 15 splines. *15 splined 2" output shaft(where the blade carrier hooks up on the bottom) *bolt hole pattern for mounting is a diamond shape- hole directly under the input shaft then around the box, 5-5/8" center of hole to center of hole. *length of the input shaft out of the gearbox is 3-3/4" long X 1-3/8" 6 splined" The pto shaft is held on by a 1/2 shearbolt. *Standard 1-3/8" 6 splined shaft(where the pto shaft hooks on).