It quickly turns comical when he doodles on a Blush Sticker for instance.
CNMN has a marker always at the ready to draw on his face and form an appropriate facial expression based on what he's saying.
Some of them are written by members of the team instead, such as "You must like calling me in, Chai" from Peppermint."I can't see this ever being a problem again"."OK, I THINK I know what I'm doing now".
"I hit things with a guitar really well."."Uh, they were broken when I got here" followed by "OK, well THEY came after ME!", for destroying Vandelay robots.Several achievements/missions are written from Chai's perspective or a relevant comment on the task:.His best attempt is before Mimosa's boss fight where he jumps off a wall instead of hitting the ground, only to almost fall while landing.
He always manages to find something to stumble on or just fall flat on his face.
Chai busts through walls and windows a lot during the game, and he doesn't manage to make a single cool entrance despite trying his hardest. The music player in his chest is what allows him to have unique capabilities, but the whole garbage-collector-role thing seems to be a sore spot for him. The Armstrong Project designates Chai as a garbage collector, it's why he has a magnetic arm and a grabber tool. Two optional couch lines have Chai brainstorming puns, clearly preparing to use them later. Chai absolutely loves puns, which he will make at every single given opportunity presented to him, much to the chagrin of literally everyone else. Deliberately angering Korsica to exhaust her while deflecting and dodging her attacks, hitching a ride onto a broken tramline and miraculously ending up at Rekka's office, shooting himself out of a damn fireworks cannon and surviving… Anyone else doing this stuff would qualify as Too Dumb to Live. And perhaps best of all? They work basically 90% of the time. When he isn't operating entirely on an Indy Ploy, his "plans" are completely absurd and no end of frustration to his teammates. It takes the last stages of the game for him to be able to back up his claims. His weapon just happens to be shaped like one. The fact that Chai calls himself a (future) rockstar, and yet he can't actually play any instruments, let alone a guitar. A lot of the humor is directed at Chai as the resident Butt-Monkey, who regularly gets in way over his head and ends up subject to Amusing Injuries. Parry Korsica enough times, and you'll end up making her mad.Your protagonist, ladies and gentlemen. This is not a challenge to worry about until you retry this fight later unless you happen to be naturally great at the rhythm. The challenge is to finish this boss fight with a total accuracy of eighty percent or more. The only other thing to be concerned with is the bonus challenge related to these parries. If you are having trouble getting your parries, then button mashing is still your best bet, even if there's a chance you'll still fail a parry or two. You'll be likely to mash on the right part, however, you might still misclick. While you need to sync the parry to the beat, it should be noted that button mashing has its benefits during these attacks. You will also be chastised by your teammates and roasted by Korsica, just in case you need more of a tell that you messed up. You have to parry every attack to damage Korsica, missing a parry will damage Chai and you will have to do that cycle of parries all over again. On the first parry, you will get a blue and pink ring, match the pink ring into the blue ring for a well-timed parry but the following strikes you will have to figure out from only the beat alone. The lightning bolts above Korsica's head are the number of how many strikes she's preparing along to the beat.