AppleDouble folders can now be removed from any disk.

Simply re-enter your serial number if requested.

New Option: Keep custom icons and resources.Please Quit your old version before installing.
This update needs to be manually downloaded and installed. Updated download URL for updates (non App Store only).Fixed a bug where the BlueHarvest menu would sometimes not open if System Preferences/Login Items included an item on an inaccessible server.Added "System Volume Information (Windows)" deletion.Blacklist items can now be deleted after a number of days.New! "Storage Cleanup" for cleaning of app caches and logs.Changes to preferences storage to improve performance._ AppleDouble preference wasn't being saved. Fixed a bug where custom settings for multiple folders on the same disk sometimes couldn't be added.macOS 11 Big Sur minor UI improvements.Fixed a bug when configuring options for custom folders on the same disk.Fixes a bug where the app wouldn't open at startup even if Open At Login was selected.Fixes a bug where the preferences window would be shown on startup.Fixed a bug where Finder tags were sometimes deleted unexpectedly.Minor UI bug fixes for BigSur and Monterey.Fixes an issue where progress information was incorrect.Fixes an issue where a temporary folder is left on server disks when cleaning Zip files.Updated for better support of macOS 13 Ventura.Improved support for ExFAT, MSDOS and NTFS under macOS 13 Ventura.Fixes a performance problem in the last update.Fixes an issue where Open At Login was not working under macOS 13 Ventura.Now they are being unmounted and ejected. Fixes a bug where disks were only being unmounted when using "Clean and Eject".Users can now "Force Eject" a disk if it is busy when using "Clean and Eject".
Last release for 10.10 to 10.14 Mojave Version 7.2.2 Versions of BlueHarvest for macOS before 10.10 Yosemite are no-longer supported and serial numbers cannot be supplied.